Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-Funded Programmes (TSFS) Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-Funded Programmes (TSFS)

Scheme Selection

Select the language of the application form.

Select "New Application(s)" to start filling in the application form from the menu on the left.

Read the General Notes carefully. Check the box of "I have read and agreed to be bound by the above statements" and select "Proceed" to start the application.

Complete the mandatory fields marked with "*" . Your application will not be processed if you fail to provide the mandatory information.

Select the corresponding type of students (i.e. For students pursuing a recognised publicly-funded full-time post-secondary programme) to proceed to the scheme selection.

Select the application scheme.

If you wish to apply for the "additional academic expenses grant for students with special educational needs", please visit the webpage with the provided link to learn more about the eligibility and application procedures.

If your family is in receipt of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA), please read Note 3 carefully. Select "Yes" if applicable.

To use Simplified Version Application Form, select "Yes".